Welcome to The Chase Nursery
The Chase Nursery is dedicated in providing quality care and provision for you child's early years. We ensure that every team member contributes something of value to the nursery and they have specific areas that they specialise in.
The nursery operates on a first come, first served basis. We are registered with Ofsted and government funding is available for 3-4 year olds and some funding is available for 2 year olds. Please be aware that with the change in the school admissions we can only guarantee places being available in the September term.
FEEE Information please go to www.essex.gov.uk
For more information on any of our nurseries please click the Contact us button below.
Parent & Toddler group with JO JINGLES! stay & play too!
The Chase Nursery! Parent & Toddler Groups With Jo Jingles!
Clacton site - Thursday 1.30 - 3pm (Start date 3rd October) 21, Cambridge road Clacton CO153QL
Kirby site - Monday 1.30-3pm (Start date 4th Nov) Halstead Road Kirby CO13 OLW
Only £3 per child - All welcome
Coronavirus Update
Dear parents,
We have been advised if a child or staff member has a cough or fever the child or staff member must NOT attend the setting. We as a Nursery are doing our upmost to keep all children & staff safe and well. We are not medically trained so therefore we are following our guidelines. We are only NOT allowing children to attend if they are showing symptoms of the above and therefore are not well enough to attend nursery. No refunds for the session will be given as your child is not well enough to attend (Government advice).
We will do our upmost to try and continue to offer our service to all our Chase families. Could I please ask everyone to be kind & considerate, this is totally out of our hands as we are in a national crisis. Hopefully after the Cobra meeting today we might have more information for you.
Kerry Boughey
NEW!! The Chase Nursery share a book campaign!
Wanted - pre loved books!!!! & soft teddies. SEPTEMBER 19
Please drop off your unwanted books to ANY of our sites! this will enable us to set up a free book library for our lovely chase families to enjoy.
The Chase Holland - 15 The Chase - H-O-S (01255 812438)
The Chase Kirby - Halstead road, Kirby (01255 674050)
The Chase Holland Park - Holland road Clacton (01255 425899)
The Chase Clacton - 21, Cambridge Road Clacton (01255 438141)
Importance of Reading With Kids: 10 Great Benefits
The importance of reading cannot be emphasised enough in young children, and we as parents need to make every day reading a high priority. Many studies show that toddlers and pre-schoolers who are read to every day have a larger vocabulary than those who aren’t read to at all. It turns out that reading there are many advantages and benefits of reading. Not only does reading enhance a child’s vocabulary, and to help them understand how to read and write, but reading aloud to children also helps them to understand different topics about the world and every day life.
Essex Safeguarding childrens board
Here at The Chase Nursery we want to educate as many Parents/careers about safeguarding your children. We will be publishing a new document once a fortnight from Essex Safeguarding children's board for you to read and digest. To go directly to the website please click here http://www.escb.co.uk/
Children of Alcoholic Dependent Parents Engagement (CAPE)
Working together to support children affected by parental alcohol misuse
Lots of adults drink alcohol, but in some families the adult’s drinking can make things difficult at home and can cause problems and worries for their children.
With funding from the Department of Health and Social Care, CAPE is a Children’s Society project upskilling workers in contact with Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents (CADeP).
CAPE is a mix of digital resources, awareness raising sessions
and more formalised training events.
Work shop places available for support
Tuesday 5th November 9.30-12.30pm & 1.30-4.30pm
Email - cape@childrenssociety.org.uk
October Topic - Recycling
Our topic this month is RECYCLING! We are going all out on this topic! Parents/Carers if you have any information on this topic you would like to share with the children please let us know!
we will be getting the children to sort through waste looking at different materials that they are made of.
Why we recycle?
Where our waste goes?
Charity shops?
Pre loved items? & much much more :)
We are very lucky to be having a visit by a lovely local lady that promotes the love of reading with Usborne books. She will be visiting the children and sharing some books. Then you as Parent/Carers will get the oportunity to buy some Usborne books at our nursery book fair. please note the following dates.
Holland Park - 13th November
Holland - 14th November
Kirby - 18th November
Clacton - 21st November
All book fairs will be held within the nursery at 3pm (these books would make lovely Christmas presents)
NOVEMBER - Our topic this month is Space!
Can you enrich our topic? Do you have any info you could share with us?
If you can add to our topic this month please let you branch Manager know!
Thank you in advance :)
Holland – Wednesday 6th November
Holland Park – Thursday 7th November
Kirby- Friday 8th November
Clacton- Monday 11th November